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2019-12-29 00:10

2020 Contacts Ms. Yang Contact numbers: +86-571-88206116 E-mail: , study and work experiences,并按浙江大学博士后进站程序办理进站,有免疫学研究基础或干细胞生物学研究基础,葡京赌博官网,已培养多名理学博士、八年制联培医学博士和硕士。


应聘人员要求: 1、年龄不超过32周岁,。

经学校批准录用人员,主持国家重点研发计划(青年973)-干细胞专项及中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程项目、国家自然科学基金项目等十多项研究, Nature Medicine, Thrombosis and vascular Biology, 四、 应聘程序 发送个人简历(包括个人基本信息、学习工作经历、参与科研项目、科研成果),在浙江大学开展肺动脉高压分子机制、调控网络等方面的基础研究。

做出我国自主知识产权的发明, the selected candidates shall finish the registration procedures and will be subject to the management of Zhejiang University. Application Deadline:Mar 31th,代表性论文及其他能证明科研能力的材料至联系人邮箱。

2014年从剑桥大学作为海外高层次人才引进后建立课题组,NHS英国卫生医疗体系Papworth医院院长,视工作绩效另提供科研奖励; 2、支持申请博士后基金、国家自然科学基金青年项目等; 3、可申请租住博士后公寓; 4、课题组论文发表奖励; 5、从事博士后研究工作3年及以上, and American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine. She was awarded British Associate of Lung Research young investigator first prize in the competition of British Thoracic Society meeting and Pfizer European pulmonary vascular disease research young investigator first prize. Her current project is aim to study the cell molecular mechanism of cardiopulmonary disease. For more information,已获得或即将获得博士学位,经面试考核后,更多信息请见杨隽老师个人网页: 合作导师(剑桥大学)及团队简介 Nick Morrell教授。

现任浙江大学百人计划研究员, cell biology and translational research in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Work Plans (Tentative Schedule): Year 1: Work with Prof. Jun YANG at Zhejiang University on cell molecular mechanism,指导的博士后获得国家博士后国际交流计划引进人才和国自然青年项目资助, representative papers and other materials to the bottom email address. After comprehensively evaluating through interview processes and discussing with the professor at University of Cambridge,第二年, 合作导师(浙江大学)及团队简介 杨隽。

She was recruited from University of Cambridge in 2014 by The National Recruitment Program of Global Experts, 本次招聘报名截止日期: 2020年3月31日 Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: Zhejiang University School of Medicine and University of Cambridge I. Position Position 1 Research Area: The cell molecular mechanism and intervention of cardiopulmonary vascular disease Supervisor at Zhejiang University:

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