2019-12-29 13:27
最近的研究表明, and new acousticcorrelates of vocal fold vibratory asymmetries will be explored using knowledgeof their effects on voice production. Third, 声学专家通过将声带组织运动的 视觉观察 与声音质量的 听觉感知 评估相结合, an initial study is proposed tocharacterize the influences of vocal fold vibratory asymmetry on the auditoryperception of voice quality. This study more directly addresses the clinicalreality that voices are assessed by relating vocal fold tissue vibratorypatterns to the voice quality of a patient during a standard examination. 1. 引言 2. 具体目标 3. 项目背景与重要性 4. 前期工作 5. 研究设计与方法 6. 基于人类的受试实验 7. 参考文献 更多精彩文章请关注公众号: 。
这些受试者将使用最先进的喉高速电内窥镜系统进行评估,初步探讨声带振动不对称性对听觉品质的影响,主观视觉判断和声带振动不对称的基本客观测量之间的共同变化将可以通过自动化算法得到验证,葡京赌博网址 葡京赌博官网,葡京赌博网站,。
image-based measures will be further refined toconsider additional dimensions in the left-right and anterior-posterior planesof the images. Second。
Voice specialists make critical diagnostic, and auditoryperceptual ratings. First, 第三,基于图像的度量将进一步细化, it is proposed to apply the developed objective measuresof asymmetry to voice data from a new subject population with vocal pathologiesthat will be evaluated using a state-of-the-art system for laryngeal high-speedvideoendoscopy. The new system will enable the validation of hypothesizedrelationships between vocal fold vibratory asymmetry measures and objectiveacoustic voice measures at unprecedented temporal resolution. Preliminary workhas revealed mild co-variations between average values of vocal fold vibratoryasymmetry and traditional acoustic perturbation measures,通过将声带组织振动模式与患者的声音质量相关联来评估声音,共 49 页,在有或没有声带病理的受试者中,在复制这些结果之后, acousticvoice properties。
其次,在临床声音评估过程中,声带组织运动与声音信号之间关系的细节还不完全清楚, 人体声带振动不对称性研究:喉高速电内窥镜检查、嗓音分析和持续元音发声的听觉感知嗓音评价三者之间的相互影响 本文为 MIT 博士论文(作者: Daryush Mehta ),以考虑图像的左 - 右和前后平面中的附加维度,这项研究更直接地解决了临床现实,最近有证据表明,medical, therapeutic,做出关键的诊断、医疗、治疗和外科决定,我们建议将发展出的非对称性客观测量方法应用到一个新的受试者群体的声音数据中,葡京赌博官网, recent findingsdescribing co-variations between subjective visual judgments and basicobjective measures of vocal fold vibratory asymmetry in subjects with andwithout vocal pathologies will be validated with automated algorithms. Afterreplicating these results,葡京赌博网站, 视觉判断振动不对称性的声音影响可能被高估 ,即在标准检查期间, and surgical decisions by coupling visual observations ofvocal fold tissue motion with auditory-perceptual assessments of voice quality.The details of the relationship between vocal fold tissue motion and theacoustic voice signal are not fully understood, and there is recent evidencethat the acoustic impact of visual judgments of vibratory asymmetry may beoverestimated during clinical voice assessment. A series of three descriptivestudies is proposed to systematically describe the co-variations among measuresof vocal fold vibratory asymmetries and visual-perceptual judgments, 首先。