Chapter 3 Man Bites Dogma: Lessons Learned作者在第三章介绍了他们在过去八年如何治疗AD。
There are few words that characterize AD more accurately than struggle – a struggle for the patients trying to survive it, a struggle for the families trying to cope with it, a struggle for the doctors trying to treat it, a struggle for the scientists trying to understand it, and a struggle for society trying to defeat it.
GT+: 没有什么词比抗争更能准确地描述AD:患者为健康而抗争,患者的家庭为照顾病人而抗争,医生为试图治疗AD而抗争,科学家为揭开AD的成因而抗争,整个社会为战胜AD而抗争。
The key lessons learned, and questions answered, in the eight years of the ReCODE protocol:
· More people who develop cognitive decline have more than one subtype of AD. (许多认知能力下降的人,可能有几种健康问题。)
· The protocol may be difficult at first for those who are underweight. (这是关于超瘦人群的。跳过。)
· Beware the diagnosis of pseudodementia. (有时候,病人是抑郁症,并不是AD。)
· Beware those who tell you to “come back next year, you are not there yet.” (如果医生说 现在还不严重,明年再回来检查,不要轻信。否则,明年这个医生可能会告诉你:来晚了。)
· Nearly everyone with any degree of cognitive decline has at least one of the most common contributors: (1)…(8). Therefore it is critical to test for these contributors, and treat any that are identified. (造成AD的原因常常不止一种。这里列举的健康问题1~8,基本上是第一章里提到的那些。)
· You don’t necessarily need to patch all of the many identified contributors to cognitive decline in order to achieve success. (病人并不需要治好所有的有关疾病,才能看到AD病情有所好转。谢天谢地。)
· Although the earlier the treatment the better the outcome (and prevention is best), we have seen clear improvements with MoCA scores as low as 0. (Note: MoCA is a test designed for measuring cognitive decline.虽然越早治疗效果越好,但是有的AD病人,认知力测试分只有0分,依然可能有明显的好转。)
· Although it generally takes 3-6 months for improvement, we have seen improvement in as little as four days. (虽然AD病人常常需要3~6个月才有好转,有的病人4天后就有好转。好运!)
· About ApoE4-positive group (ApoE4 increases the risk of AD). (I will skip this for now. 这是针对带有ApoE4基因的人,他们更容易得AD。人口中,约60%的带有ApoE3基因,希望自己属于这个60%。)
· Just as for cardiovascular disease, there is a threshold for improvement. (许多时候有一个“临界值”问题。也许AD治疗本身有效果,但是,只有在过了这个临界值,葡京赌博官网,才能看到病人的病情有好转。可惜现在我们对这个临界值并不了解。)
· Improvement typically occurs in three phases. First, the decline slows and then stops. Second, small improvements are noticed. Third, more significant improvements are noted.(AD病情好转分3个阶段:首先,病情不再恶化;第二,病情稍微有好转;第三,病情明显有好转。)
· For lab tests, beware the term WNL—
“within normal limits” or “in the normal range.” (关于检查结果,如果是“属于正常范围”,并不代表没有问题。这个问题,太专业了,我回避一下。)· It is critical to continue to optimize all parameters—don’t assume that the initial treatment is optimal. (不要一看到小有好转,就满足了,应该“穷追猛打”找病因。)
· If there is continued decline, then in most cases something has been missed or the compliance is poor.(如果治疗无效,说明还没有找到真正的原因。作者不希望你放弃治疗。)
· Improvements are sustained unless there is a change in compliance or exposure. (病情好转应该是持续性的,除非出现新问题。)
· Identifying pathogens and toxins and optimizing immune status are critical for best outcomes. It is a wonderful idea to start with the basics—KetoFLEX 12/3 diet, exercise, sleep optimization, stress reduction, and brain training, along with supplements and herbs (and in some cases, hormones) as indicated. What is sometimes missed, however, are specific microbes, toxins, and support for the immune system, so please work with your practitioner to address these items as well. (这部分比较短,而且容易懂,我就都转抄了。从健康生活开始, 包括采用KetoFLEX 12/3 饮食方法--这个在第四章简介,锻炼身体、提高睡眠质量、减压、常常动脑子,等。作者提示我们应该和医护人员合作,检查身体是否带有“毒素”,努力提高免疫力。)
· Improvements can be enhanced with repeated optimization. Please keep optimizing! (Please stay with my program and keep on paying me for your healthy! This is from me, not the book. 作者希望病人能“穷追猛打”AD成因,我担心我的钱包。)
· On ketosis levels. (跳过)
· On light and magnetic stimulations. (跳过)
· Rebooting or resetting to sustain improvements. (病人如果有持续性炎症,需要重启,才能让病情继续好转。跳过。)
· If “nothing else works,” please consider stem cells. (如果实在没有办法,考虑用干细胞治疗。)
· Since neurodegenerative disease like AD and Lewy body disease are ongoing for years even decades before diagnosis, these may affect many relationships prior to any clear symptoms of dementia. (Very good point, but let’s not get into this now. But, I will use the example to illustrate his point. 神经功能减弱,可能是几年、几十年累积的结果。在这个漫长的“蜕变”过程中,可能患者还不能算AD病人,但是,他们可能有所表现。举一个例子:病人Bradley,85岁,一直是位绅士。突然变成另外一个人,包括动手打太太。这种情况,葡京赌博网站,其实是AD在后面捣鬼。)