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2020-01-15 12:31

一个触碰, 当你从雪中走进屋子或从屋里走到雪中 遭遇的一个微笑,躺在床上从梦里苏醒, 待在阴影里的地上霜, 一窝猫咪, 走到壁炉的橙色火焰跟前 或是走到炉子里燃烧的木柴跟前 或是走到窗玻璃上的冰花跟前, 有时候, as you walk in from the snow or return to it, 冻得通红的耳尖, the journey began as we walked away from our grandparents’ houses away from the places we knew as children: changes of state and state and state, soup or toddy, 原诗如下: WHAT YOU NEED TO BE WARM by Neil Gaiman A baked potato of a winter’s night to wrap your hands around or burn your mouth. A blanket knitted by your mother’s cunning fingers. Or your grandmother’s. A smile,或是挺进深邃的水体, they give it to you, or to brave the deep waters, melted with a whole hand. Frost on the ground that stays in the shadows。

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