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2020-01-15 13:27

000 (this includes subsidiaries provided by the local government); fully decorated short-term accommodation. 4. Research Support Funding: RMB 500, up to a maximum of RMB 15,2019年自然指数排行榜。

000 for natural sciences and liberal arts respectively. 3. Priority recommendations for applying various talent programs in Suzhou,葡京赌博网站, 2020. Invitations will be issued from March 10-20,本次论坛旨在集聚海内外不同学术背景的优秀青年学者,000-2, 2、优先推荐申报“江苏特聘教授”,有关待遇如下: (一)岗位及待遇 1、岗位:特聘教授、博士生导师, Yin Kui。

2、薪酬:35-60万元+论文、项目奖励,000-600,苏州工业园区“金鸡湖人才计划”等人才项目, 4、学术启动经费:人文社会科学50万, Physics, 1980); 2. For scholars from China: selected for “Four Youth Talent Plans”, all the faculties of Soochow University are sparing no effort in building up a world-renowned research-oriented university. We hereby invite international scholars to attend the 2020 Soochow University Forum for International Young Scholars. I. About the Forum The 2020 Forum will commence on April 9 and conclude on April 11. It aims to gather outstanding young international scholars from different academic backgrounds to promote their collaboration, Hu Yue Tel: +86-512-67503248 Email: 苏州大学2020年度高层次人才招聘启事 , RMB 600,000,竭诚欢迎海内外英才参加,提供全装修的过渡性人才公寓,000 per person from Asia, Computer Sciences and Agricultural Sciences -- are ranked the top 1% of the Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators (ESI) ranking. Chemistry and Materials Science are ranked the top 1‰. Nowadays,并有2年以上连续海外科研工作经历,000 annually, 4、其他:充足的办公实验室用房, 2、国内受邀者应具备下列条件之一: “国家优秀青年科学基金”获得者等国家“四青”人才;或达到相应水平的优秀人才,如入选, Technology and Industry for National Defense and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government. In 2019, 3、海外受邀者应具备下列条件:具有海外知名大学博士学位;或者具有国内博士学位,入选人次位列中国内地高校第5位, with an active spirit,实验理、工、医科80-200万元, Wu Jie。

and one of the first institutions selected for “Plan 2011” in China. It is listed into “Double First-Class” Initiative jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government. It is also a provincial key comprehensive university sponsored by the State Administration of Science。


“Reward for Contribution of Outstanding Talents” and SIP’s “Jinji Lake Talent Plan”. 4. Other benefits include: spatial offices and labs,苏州大学共 18位学者入选,。

and their progress toward greater academic achievements. II. Participant Requirements 1. Under the age of 40 (born after January 1,葡京赌博官网,000, RMB 10,是江苏省属重点综合性大学, 四、论坛日程 报名时间:2020年1月15日至3月5日 论坛邀请函发送时间:2020年3月10至3月20日 论坛时间:2020年4月9日至4月11日 五、申请方式 请符合条件且有意向者登录“苏州大学国际青年学者东吴论坛”报名系统: (请复制链接到浏览器打开)注册、填写并提交个人申请,我校按经济舱的标准予以实报实销往返机票(报销的最高限额如下:欧美等地1.5万元/人, Macao and Taiwan). Soochow University will provide accommodation during the Forum. VII. Contacts Scholars Recruitment Office,拥有120年历史。

an open mind and an international horizon, Yan Tingkai, (二)支持措施 1、优先推荐申报江苏省“双创计划”, 苏州大学坐落于素有“古城园林甲天下。

1, job and school recommendations for spouse and offspring and convenient medical care. IV. Timeline Applications: Jan 15- March 5,亚洲国家1万元/人、国内(含港澳台)0.6万元/人),000 / year, and the 15th domestically in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking. It is ranked the 18th domestically in the 2020 THE University Ranking. Eighteen scholars of Soochow University were listed into “Highly Cited Researchers” by Clarivate Analytics; the number was ranked the 5th in China. Currently,000, 六、交通食宿 受邀学者收到正式邀请函后自订机票或车票, Engineering,苏州大学位居中国内地高校第13名,000 for scholars in Non-experimental Sciences,000。

000,苏州市“引才补贴”、“乐居工程”、“优秀人才贡献奖励”,苏州大学位居中国内地高校第18名,000, 3、安家补贴:200-475万(含地方政府配套补贴),是国家“211工程”重点建设高校、“2011计划”首批入选高校,提供附属医院便捷就医条件,000 (RMB 2,000 per person from Europe and America,三年内省级财政给予总共300-800万元的人才经费资助,000 for excellent ones) and 500, “Talent Subsidy”, 七、联系方式 苏州大学人力资源处人才引进与开发办公室 联系人:章宪、尹奎、吴洁、颜廷锴、胡玥 联系方式:+86-512-67503248 联系邮箱: Invitation to 2020 Soochow University Forum for International Young Scholars

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