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apopulation-based optimization method was applied. Digital

2020-01-15 18:24

因此应用了增强的经典最小二乘建模技术, the augmented classicalleast-squares modeling technique was applied since it requires onlypure-component or composite spectra of the analyte and background matrix ratherthan a large set of mixture samples of known analyte concentration. 1. 引言 2. 红外测量技术 3. 信号处理与数据分析 4. 被动傅里叶变换红外遥感合成校正光谱法测定甲醇和乙醇 5. 基于粒子滤波和偏最小二乘模型参数的粒子群优化校正策略在近红外光谱连续监测葡萄糖中的应用 6. 基于增广经典最小二乘法的生物反应器连续监测的信号处理方法 7. 基于小波预处理的生物反应器连续监测自动校准协议 8. 结论与未来工作展望

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