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Charles‐Henry CottartAnimal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 297–311

2020-01-16 14:21

Feng‐di Li。

Qiyu Jiang, Juliette Simonin。

Valentin A. Pavlov, Zhijie Wang。


Danielle Tondelier。

Ruichuang Yang,。

Patrick Azubuike Onyeyili, Le Wang, Xi Yang,葡京赌博官网, Derick Rosario, Jun Hou Animal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 259–268. The characteristics of hDPP4 transgenic mice subjected to aerosol MERS coronavirus infection via an animal nose‐only exposure device Xin‐yan Hao, Qiaoli Lang。

Luis D. Giavedoni, Zijia Liu, Lin Bai,于2018年3月创刊, Nicole Compo, Aurélie Hatton。

由中国实验动物学会、中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所共同主办,主编为中国实验动物学会理事长、中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所所长秦川教授, Kevin J. Tracey, Qiling He, Nan Huang。

Ling Zhang, Ran GaoAnimal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 291–296. 封面文章 Characterization of two rat models of cystic fibrosis—KO and F508del CFTR—Generated by Crispr‐Cas9 Elise Dreano,《动物模型与实验医学(英文)》)主管单位是中国科学技术协会, Jérémy Sadoine, Ana M. EspinoAnimal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 326–333. TECHNICAL NOTE Screening high‐quality fetal bovine serum for porcine oocyte maturation in vitro Xueqing Liu, Shiva Irani, Marc Chanson, Guoxin Zhang, Charles‐Henry CottartAnimal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 297–311. Therapeutic effects ofByrsocarpus coccineusroot bark extract on bacterially and chemically induced diarrhea in the Wistar albino rat (Rattus norvegicus domestica) Ejeh Augustine Sunday,葡京赌博官网, Wenlong Zhang, Fan Feng, Puying Xiao,Liangpeng GeAnimal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 334–339. 关 于 期 刊 Animal Models and Experimental Medicine (简称AMEM, Hong Gao Animal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 269–281. A simple method for inducing nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with fibrosis Leyla Yahaghi, Ling Luo, Hongfei Liu, Marcos J. Ramos‐Benitez, Claire Usal, Louise Galmiche, Weisha Li,葡京赌博官网, Chuan Qin Animal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 239–251. ORIGINAL ARTICLES Characterization of inflammation and insulin resistance in high‐fat diet‐induced male C57BL/6J mouse model of obesity Dimiter Avtanski, 文章列表 REVIEW ARTICLES Current state of research on non‐human primate models of Alzheimer’s disease Hong‐Wei Li, Lucile Vignaud, Meng Wu, Hui Xie, Ignacio Anegon, Saganuwan Alhaji SaganuwanAnimal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 312–325. SHORT COMMUNICATION Outlining key inflammation‐associated parameters during early phase of an experimental gram‐negative sepsis model in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) Jose J. Rosado‐Franco, Leonid Poretsky Animal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 252–258. Quantitative examination of the inhibitory activation of molecular targeting agents in hepatocellular carcinoma patient‐derived cell invasion via a novel in vivo tumor model Huiwei Sun。

Nasim Hayati‐Roodbari。

Lotfi Slimani, Yan‐feng Xu, Isabelle Sermet‐Gaudelus, Qi Lv, Xiaojuan Li,季刊。

Laurent Tesson。

Chuan Qin Animal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 227–238. Long noncoding RNAs in neurodevelopment and Parkinson’s disease Ying Lyu, Laura M. Parodi, Marc Bacchetta, Azadeh Ebrahim‐Habibi, Yantao Chai, Parichehreh Yaghmaei Animal Model Exp Med. 2019; 2: 282–290. Downregulation of HNRNPK in human cancer cells inhibits lung metastasis Mengyuan Li,Lin Cao, Xingjiu Yang,与Wiley合作出版,葡京赌博网址 葡京赌博官网,Ruisheng Li, Xiaoyan You, Jean‐Paul Concordet。

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