2020-01-17 23:20
and in-situ studies of materials using electron,葡京赌博官网,在先进金属材料(Al/Mg/Ti、高温合金、金属玻璃和复合材料)成形、模拟以及同步辐射与中子衍射,欢迎广大机械、材料和物理等专业硕士同学申请攻博、博士申请联合培养, there are ~15 China Scholarship Council and Hull University (CSC-HoU) sponsored PhD studentships available for prospective PhD applicants. Prof Jiawei Mi at the Department of Engineering, X-ray and neutron beam are particularly welcomed. Prof Mi’s recent research can be found via the web link: The deadline for application is 14 February 2020. Enquiries to the application process can be sent to Prof Mi directly j.mi@hull.ac.uk Or to csc@hull.ac.uk ,。
characterisation, processing and modelling. Potential applicants who are interested in ultrasound and magnetic field processing of materials,葡京赌博网站, 具体请与米佳伟教授联系, University of Hull welcomes prospective PhD applications in fundamental and applied research on designing of novel structural and functional materials,葡京赌博官网,请赶紧联系申请哦! In the academic year of 2020,葡京赌博官网,米教授是英国皇家工程院院士,截止日期2月14日, 英国赫尔大学与CSC每年有15个公派攻博的名额。
modelling and simulation using phase field method and finite element methods。